Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions for Study in Turkey


In which schools can I study in Turkey?

All world citizens can study in all schools in Turkey that are appropriate for their age.

In which cities can I receive education in Turkey?

You can find suitable institutions in all cities.

What are the accommodation options?

In addition to university dormitories and private dormitories, you can also rent a house or room, stay in a hostel or apartment.

I want to stay in a dormitory, what should I do?

Our advisors will support you in applying to private and state dormitories.

What is MEB Equivalency? How can I get it?

It is a document issued by the Ministry of Education that indicates which grade your previous education up to high school graduation is equivalent to in Turkey. You can get support from our advisors by sending us the pdf files of your original documents.

What is YÖK Equivalency? How can I get it?

It is a document obtained from the Council of Higher Education that indicates which diploma your education in universities (master, bachelor's, associate, doctorate, etc.) is equivalent to in Turkish universities. You can apply online here.

What are the start and end dates of the academic year?

In high schools, the academic year starts in the second week of September and ends in the third week of June every year. Although the academic calendars of universities vary, they also provide education between September and June, like high schools.

How do you assist in the student visa application process?

You can contact our advisors for student visa application.